Sevenoaks east to west Active Travel

About the scheme

We are working with Sevenoaks District Council to deliver a safe and attractive walking, wheeling and cycling route to connect the east and west of Sevenoaks town, with the aim to encourage residents to walk, wheel and cycle safely as an alternative to using their cars for short journeys.

The route connects many of the town’s schools with the communities they serve, from Riverhead and Amherst schools in the west of the town with Trinity, Weald of Kent and Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys annexes in the east, also picking up Sevenoaks Primary, Walthamstow Hall Junior School, Russell House and Knole Academy along the way. The route will also provide easy access to Sevenoaks railway station.

By improving these connections, it is hoped that the route will be popular with children, commuters and the wider community.

In summer 2023, Sevenoaks District Council undertook a consultation on the design of the route. In spring 2024, they conducted another consultation to respond to feedback from the initial consultation.

The scheme will include:

  • a new shared (pedestrian and cycle) crossing at A25 Worships Hill, London Road and St Johns Hill
  • an upgrade from footway to bridleway of the existing public right of way (PROW) SR734
  • new raised table ramps at Lambarde Road, Hillingdon Avenue and The Crescent
  • new separated cycle lane along the A25 Bradbourne Vale Road (between Oakdene Road and St Johns Road)
  • 6 new parking spaces - A25 Bradbourne Vale Road
  • new route signage.

Latest updates

We will phase the work over 28 weeks, starting on 28 October 2024 between 8am and 4pm, using temporary lights. To complete resurfacing works we will require some night closures between 8pm and 4am.

The following roads will be affected during the works:

PhaseRoad nameTraffic managementTemporary work date(s)
1Brittains LaneRoad closure6 to 10 January 2025
2A25 Bradbourne Vale Road to St Johns Road2/3-way temp lights13 January to 21 March 2025
3 Lambarde Road, Hillingdon Avenue, Little Wood and The CrescentRoad closure24 March to 4 April 2025
4A25 Worships Hill junction with Witches Lane

4-way temp lights

Road closure

7 April to 20 May 2025
5St Johns Hill junction with Wickenden Road

4-way temp lights

Road closure

5 to 23 May 2025
6Riverhead Parkland Pedestrian barriersTo be confirmed (2025)

Last updated: 20 December 2024

Scheme documents

Scheme funding

Active Travel England (ATE) is funding this route and has provided a total of £1.2 million towards improving the walking and cycling facilities of the town.

ATE is the government’s executive agency sponsored by Department for Transport and responsible for making walking, wheeling and cycling the preferred choice for everyone to get around in England.

Project designs

Start of works notice (SoWN)