Enforcing moving traffic offences

We have been granted powers under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004, which allows highway authorities outside of London to enforce moving traffic offences to make our roads safer and less congested.

For more information read our Moving Traffic Implementation and Enforcement Policy (PDF, 654.6 KB).

Previously, only Kent Police could enforce these offences. We will now be able to issue penalty charge notices (PCN) to motorists who commit a moving traffic offence. In line with the Department for Transport application conditions, each of the sites we have selected will help reach one or more of the objectives below:

  • improve road safety
  • reduce network congestion
  • increase public transport safety and reduce journey times
  • improve air quality
  • increase the lifespan of highway assets.

The type of offences that can be enforced under these new powers are limited to those listed in Schedule 7 of the Traffic Management Act.

Enforcement and penalty charge notice payments

For any new camera enforcement location, there will be a 6 month warning notice period. During the 6 month warning notice period, you will be given a warning notice for your first contravention at each site.  If the offence is committed again during the 6 month warning period, you may be issued a PCN. This warning will be sent to the address at which the vehicle is registered.

Warning letters will not be issued for a first offence after the first 6 months. Find out more about how we enforce this.

Read further information on paying a penalty charge notice or how to appeal a penalty.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

Enforcement of bus lane and moving traffic contraventions are carried out by static approved cameras, using use the latest Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology to identify vehicles that contravene a traffic restriction. We can issue penalty charge notices (PCNs) for offences such as:

  • driving through a 'No Entry' sign
  • turning left or right when instructed not to do so (making banned turns)
  • entering yellow box junctions when the exit is not clear
  • driving where and when motor vehicles are prohibited
  • driving on routes that are for buses and taxis only.

We will use the latest ANPR technology to identify drivers who break the law. If CCTV captures a contravention, we will issue a penalty charge notice (PCN).

How it works

ANPR cameras are used to capture vehicles that:

  • do not comply with restrictions
  • fail to follow traffic signs and road markings

The cameras capture the vehicle registration number. Trained staff will review the camera footage. If it shows a violation, we will request the registered keeper's details from the DVLA.

We will serve a PCN to the registered keeper by first class post. The PCN is deemed served to the vehicle's registered keeper on the second working day after it is posted.

Current moving traffic enforcement locations

Our current moving traffic enforcement restriction locations with ANPR cameras are at the following bus gates:

  • Beaver Road, Ashford
  • Dover Fastrack, Dover
    • Farmstead Way
    • Richmond Way
    • Red Kite Road
  • Rennie Drive, The Bridge, Dartford
  • Greenhithe Station to Ingress Park Fastrack, Dartford
  • Clive Road, Gravesend.
  • Bus Gate between Sackville Crescent and Carlton Road, Ashford.

We take a consistent, measured approach to enforcement. We use cameras at sites where there is an absolute need.

Proposed locations

To give your views on proposed moving traffic enforcement sites visit our consultation hub.

Further information

Site plans of each restriction and a copy of the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders can be found by visiting Traffweb app.

For information on signs that can be enforced under Moving Traffic Enforcement legislation, download our helpful moving traffic enforcement guide (PDF, 187.3 KB).

Contact us

For any PCN enquiries, for example issues with making payments call 0330 135 8510.

To raise a complaint, follow our online process.