Roadworks on your street

We plan our roadworks programme in advance and give as much notice as possible to local businesses and residents. Utility companies also maintain their own equipment, which is often found under roads or pavements.

We encourage them to give as much notice to you in the same way we do. However, if they begin work without notice, you will need to contact them with any questions.

Letting you know

If our roadworks affect your property or business, we will send you a letter to explain:

  • how you can access your property during the works
  • if any road closures or diversions are needed
  • what the expected start and finish dates are
  • what the site working hours will be
  • what type of work we will carry out
  • what will change or improve.

We will put up signs on the street about 2 to 4 weeks before the work begins.

If the work is expected to have a minor impact and no road closures, we will not tell you or local businesses in advance.

Find roadworks

Did you know you can find planned and emergency roadworks in Kent and across the UK using our online map?

Search for roadworks

To check if your street is scheduled for improvement read our maintenance programme.

Emergency roadworks

For emergencies (such as leaks, minor repairs or dangerous surfaces), roadworks may need to take place at short notice. It may not be possible to let you know in advance.

Public transport

We will tell local transport providers about roadworks. This helps them to plan their services and place notices in advance. Check with your local bus provider to see if your route is affected.

How you can help

We understand roadworks can be disruptive. You can help make sure they are finished as soon as possible:

  • make sure vehicles are not parked on the road or pavement
  • take care when driving, to avoid stone chipping accidents to other vehicles
  • adhere to any temporary speed limits
  • avoid non-urgent deliveries or other events needing vehicle access.

If you have special access arrangements, urgent deliveries, or concerns while we are working, speak to someone on site. Or call us on 03000 41 81 81.