
  1. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

    SEND Information Hub (Kent's Local Offer) - find support for your child or young person (0 to 25) with special educational needs and disabilities.

  2. Talking to your education setting about special educational needs

    The first step is to talk to your child’s teacher. We've put together some advice to help with meetings and conversations.

  3. What is special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)?

    Learn about what special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is and how to get support.

  4. School transport for children and young people with special educational needs

    Transport options if your child or young person (0 to 25) has special educational needs or disabilities.

  5. Kent improvement plan for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

    Our improvement plan outlines the changes and improvements we will be making for each of the nine areas of weakness within our SEND service.

  6. Types of special educational needs

    Learn about autism, speech and language, learning, physical, emotional, and sensory support in education and health.

  7. Support for young people with special educational needs and disabilities

    The move towards adulthood can be challenging. You'll need to consider issues such as housing, education, work and adult social care.

  8. Types of special educational needs

    Learn about autism, speech and language, learning, physical, emotional, and sensory support in education and health.

  9. Volunteer in special educational needs

    Offer advice and support to families by volunteering with Information, Support and Advice Kent (IASK).

  10. Types of special educational health needs

    Understanding the different types of SEND needs, including mental health, autism, adhd, speech, learning difficulties, physical and sensory.

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