Request a social care needs assessment for a Kent resident over the age of 18 years.
Procedures, practice guidance and tools for professionals working in Adult Social Care and Health.
Key documents and guidance for professionals working in adult safeguarding.
The Kent Safeguarding Children Multi Agency Partnership (KSCMP) has all the information for professionals on safeguarding in Kent.
For professionals to make a referral to our service to have home adaptations fitted by a member of our team.
Find out the latest updates from adult social care. Bulletins have news and information for our commissioned services.
How the home care tender may affect you if you are a care worker or care service provider.
How we deliver our Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) to promote independence, social inclusion, safety and quality of life.
Mental Capacity Act information for social care and health professionals.
Information and resources for adult social care service providers in Kent.
Learn about SPACE matters; our campaign to improve support for sufferers of adverse childhood experiences.
Information for other local authorities (OLAs) to notify or consult us about placing a child or young person in Kent.
Information for social workers, early help workers and 18+ personal advisors about the Social Connections Service.
An online referral system that aims to strengthen referrals across Kent for adults and families who may be experiencing financial hardship.