Enablement at home
Enablement is a service which helps you to do more for yourself at home, by learning or re-learning skills that make you feel safe and happy in your own home. The service offers short term support that aims to encourage and enable you to lead as independent and fulfilling a life as you can, in the way that you want.
Enablement can help with:
- improving your confidence after a fall
- giving you guidance in preparing meals following a change in circumstances
- reconnecting you with your social activities
- identifying equipment that could help you with independent living
- helping you to return or remain at home and feel safe and happy.
If you have a disability, find out how Kent Enablement Service can help you.
How it works
At the start of the programme, our staff will agree what you want to achieve and review this regularly. All our staff are fully trained, have DBS checks and carry identification.
You will work with a member of the team to create a plan to meet your individual needs. It is important that what you want to achieve meets your assessed needs and are realistic.
Examples of what you want to achieve could be:
- improve your confidence to get in and out of the bath
- regain mobility to walk to the shops
- visit friends and neighbours after a fall.
How long is it for
The programme does not have a fixed duration. Once realistic, achievable goals are established between yourself and the assessor, support will be put in place to help you achieve them. This usually takes around 10 to 14 days but could be sooner depending on your progress.
At the end of this period our aim is to for independence however, in some circumstances a care package may be necessary.
Relying on social care services can be expensive and quite often it's money you don't need to spend. We want you to be able to rely on yourself as much as possible.
It won’t cost you anything to receive our enablement service.
If you still need more support after your enablement programme has finished, we will make sure you know what to do and how much it may cost. Find out more about social care charges.
Contact us
If you think you would benefit from our enablement service:
- speak to your care manager
- contact us
Read the Kent Enablement at Home leaflet.