Psychosexual therapy service

Many people experience sexual problems during their lives. These can be the result of traumatic life events, illness, surgery, childbirth, or relationship problems.

Cases of sexual difficulties and distress may be reduced or resolved over time. However, for many, the problem will persist and clients may benefit from being referred to a psychosexual therapy service.

The Kent Psychosexual Therapy Service is comprised of a multidisciplinary therapeutic team offering a range of skills in a safe, non-judgemental environment, to support individuals and couples over the age of 16. The service welcomes all people who are experiencing psychosexual problems, including:

  • loss of sexual desire or libido
  • arousal issues
  • difficulties with orgasm
  • erectile dysfunction
  • premature or delayed ejaculation
  • painful sexual intercourse or inability to have penetrative sex
  • vulvodynia
  • vaginismus.

Assessment and diagnosis

You need to:

  • be referred by your GP, consultant or another health professional if you would like to access the service
  • live in Kent
  • be registered for NHS services in Kent.

Once we have received a referral, we will offer an appointment for an initial assessment to help clarify the issues involved and gather any relevant background including social, medical, sexual history and current medication. The assessment may find that the service isn't suitable for you.

The service does not accept self-referrals.

Therapy sessions

Following assessment, the patient will be offered a series of 45 minute therapy sessions.

These treatment programmes will be tailored to individual needs and appointments are spaced to allow for self-reflection and changes.