Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) and Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS)
We have in place an Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) that has be commissioned jointly by us and the Kent and Medway NHS Integrated Care System.
The provision of community equipment for children, older people and people with disabilities can be key in promoting independence, social inclusion, safety and quality of life. It helps to give people control over their own lives allowing them to live at home for as long as they wish. It supports carers and families to stay together and makes a difference to everyday lives.
Our mission is to deliver an efficient, integrated solution for community equipment services that improves and maintains the health and wellbeing of the people of Kent, maximises their independence, provides choice and enables them to carry out everyday activities at home.
Our vision is by jointly working in the community with prescribers, experts by experience, carers and market providers we will co-design a high-quality, value for money service. We will harnesses new innovation to continually drive quality improvements, affordability and reduce the Kent carbon footprint.
You can find more information on the Safe and Well website provided by NRS Healthcare, who provide our ICES service across Kent (excluding Medway).
ICES is part of how we support people to be independent in their own home. This year we have taken the opportunity to look at how we use new technology as a whole in this support. This is known as our Technology Enhanced Lives Service (TELS).