Nothing Wasted video transcript

The video starts with residents arriving at one of the recycling centres. Different people are unloading their waste from the back of their cars.

We see on screen titles like ‘Spring Clean’, ‘Big Celebration’ and “Saying Goodbye’  as residents throw all sorts of waste into the designated bays.

People are disposing of old timber, electrical wiring, an old lawn mower and garden waste. There is a sign that shows the message that 100% of the material deposited is diverted away from landfill.

The on screen titles of the video read: No matter what is being chucked out, play your part. Separate your household waste and help us make sure there’s nothing wasted.

We see a man walking back to his car as he raises his thumb to the camera.

The video is produced by Greener Kent which is part of Kent County Council’s campaign to inspire everyone to protect the environment.

Talk to our friendly staff about recycling when you next visit or find out more at